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The Talent Agent

By definition the role of the agent is to procure employment whereas the personal managers role is to advise and council the artist.  


Agents secure bookings for you in concert settings as well as in television, motion picture, commercial work, (if you are an actor) and literary work, ( if you write books and screen plays), live performances and touring are the talent agent's primary realms in the music business.


Qualities to look for in an agent and agency. 

Is the  agent part of a specialized agency or a full-service agency?

Does your agent represent a small agency?

Does your agent represent one of the larger agencies?

Does your agent represent other artists whose music is similar to yours?

Is your agent excited about the style of music you perform?

Will the agent with whom you're meeting be your "Responsible" agent?

Where does your agent stand in the hierarchy of the agency?

How long has your agent been a part of the agency he or she represents?

What ideas do they have about how you should be packaged with other artists.

Does your agent display an open-mindedness about how he or she will try to break your career?

Do you like the demeanor your agent projects?


There are specific terms in your talent agency agreement about which you need to be extremely clear.  These are the agent's fee, exclusivity, the scope of the agreement, the territory, and duration and termination.

Composer's Ink NASHVILLE  Record Label 

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